Office of the Director Administration

Office of the Director Administration

Office is responsible for providing good platform to all other departments by establishing harmony, Chairs meetings (e.g. parents, students, teachers, etc.) for the purpose of coordinating activities and ensuring that outcomes achieve institute, district and/or state objectives. Composes a wide variety of materials (e.g. quantity reports, student activities, discipline reports, rewards, recognition’s, Behavior Management Contracts, etc.), Facilitates communication between personnel, departments, students and/or parents for the purpose of evaluating situations, solving problems and/or resolving conflicts.

Facilitates meetings, processes, discussions, for campus supervisor, social worker, outside agencies, etc, implements policies, procedures and/or processes for the purpose of providing direction and/or complying with mandated requirements, Intervenes in occurrences of inappropriate behavior of students for the purpose of assisting students in modifying such behavior and developing successful interpersonal skills. Maintains high visibility (e.g. halls, regular Lecture theaters, laboratories, cafeteria, student activities, labs, etc.) for the purpose of building familiarity and trust with students and staff. Manages a variety of institute administrative functions (e.g. student disciplinary policy, assigned personnel, etc.), Mediates conflicts (e.g. Student-Student, staff-student, staff-parent, staff-staff, parent-parent, etc.) for the purpose of ensuring a safe and orderly learning environment.

Presents information for approved institute wide disciplinary program, for the purpose of communicating information, gaining feedback and ensuring adherence to established internal controls.  Records student discipline entries in the district’s student information system for the purpose of maintaining up to date accurate records.  Represents the institute within community forums for the purpose of maintaining ongoing community support for educational goals and/or assisting with issues related to school environment.

Supervises assigned personnel (e.g. campus supervisor, bus duty supervisors, for the purpose of ensuring that standards are achieved and performance is maximized.

Supports high school leadership team for the purpose of providing assistance with administrative functions and supporting the school’s mission, goals, philosophy, and vision.

Demonstrate a critical role in identifying and securing the needed supports, procedures and protocols to positively impact student attendance, campus culture and climate, while also building upon relationships with the families’ of students and community at-large.

Performs other related duties as assigned by the authorities.

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