Office of the Director Planning

Office of the Director Planning

Office of Director Planning, development and auditing 

Annual Planning for new product development

As institute mainly depends on its affiliated programs for generation of revenue and internal resources so main objective of this office is to develop external linkages from all kinds of external regulatory and associating bodies may include but not limited to, Universities, higher education commission of Pakistan, all kinds of councils, HED, PHEC, DPI, Hospitals, Retail Pharmacies and industries, the office is responsible for

Affiliation and Accreditations

All kind of affiliation and accreditation activates are supervised by the office of director Planning.

In time submission of applications to all concerned bodies

Arrangements of visits from regulatory bodies

Preparation of all kind of documentarian

Record keeping and management


The office is also accountable for providing a strategic plan, both in terms of technical as well as financial feasibility, at the start of every fiscal year


Proposing annual budget to CEO office

Proposal for development of new products

Estimation of expenditures

Proposing annual revenue generation along with internal resource generations

Development of approaches to execute targets

Preparation of school wise reports in terms of income verses revenue

Allocation of funds to all functional offices, CEO, Director Academics, Director Administration, Director Planning and Director HR.

Check out SOPs for release of funds.

Checking that total released amount must not exceed from the defined limit as mentioned in budget.

Conduct and operation

Director Planning has its assistant and may appoint his or her PSO as and when required.
Assistant director Planning may serve as director in absence of Director Planning.
All lower staff of the said department will directly report to the Director planning or Assistant Director Planning through defined criteria.

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