Message from CEO

I have observed with deep interest the progress of the Johar Institute of Professional Studies, since its inception in the year 2012. From a recent review of various departments, I am encouraged to see that quality of education has been sustained to its superlative by our highly qualified and experienced faculty.
In the changing scenario of instructional technology, the constructive theory of learning has become the mainstay of teaching-learning process. JIPS believes in delivering excellence in research and learning and our ability to add academic and social skills in our students. I am pleased to know that on a fully networked campus JIPS is offering such environment in which our student is an active learner rather than passive and we emphasize to our students to use creative abilities for problem solving. JIPS is adding substantial values to the training of students in accordance with market needs.
JIPS has now expanded internationally because we believe that internationalization is an important step towards ensuring experiences academically and intellectually.
The experience at JIPS for a student is not only driven by the excellence in academic and research but the entire experience of being involved in the projects that the institute takes on, as well as the experience a student gains outside the classroom. JIPS has various activities at the campus from sports to cultural events, media and society events that shall keep you engage and amused whole year.
Thank you for placing your trust in us and we assure you that together we will play our part to add our new generation with qualities of leadership, humanity, and excellence.
I extend my warmest welcome to all students at JIPS and wish bright and meaningful future to the prospective students of JIPS.
Dr. Muhammad Waqas A. Khan
Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Muhammad Waqas A. Khan

- Chief Executive Officer

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